Paulina Gretzky is the 19-year-old daughter of Wayne Gretzky and Janet Jones Gretzky, but mostly Janet Jones Gretzky. Here she is playing in the first round of the Ford Wayne Gretzky Classic in Clarksburg, Ontario; a golf tournament that managed to bring together the exceptional talents of Charles Barkley, Jim Balsillie and Alan Thicke.
Ken Beckett from The Power Play became rather smitten with Paulina Gretzky (at 19, can we still call her "The Jailbait One?"), and offered some details about her career as a singer. Indeed, one of the great accomplishments of her rather stunning life was when her song "Collecting Dust" was featured on MTV's "Laguna Beach":
What, no appearance by Los Angeles Kings superfan Lauren "L.C." Conrad during a Gretzky song?
Paulina Gretzky also previously performed Sarah McLachlan's "I Will Remember You" (video), although comparing her vocal range to the Lilith Fair queen is like comparing Wayne Gretzky's passing to that of Wayne McBean. But the young lady has talent, as you can hear on her MySpace page. Hey, one of her friends is Alanis Morissette! Can't beat that.
H/T to our buddy Nemmy at The 2 Man Advantage, who was as stunned as we were that Paulina Gretzky has been walking this Earth without proper hockey blogosphere vetting. Thanks for the tip, and for this important commentary: "Yes, that's an outty belly button sticking through her tight shirt. I'll bet any money that she has a better wrist shot than I do. Maybe The Leafs will offer her $3.5MM a year to play D."